Handmade Christmas Adventure 2011

Handmade Christmas Adventure 2011

Last year I tried really hard to make or buy as much handmade as I could for our family. Hard task considering I had a then 4 year old boy and an almost 2 year old girl. I have decided to do it again this year. Starting now and hopefully making more myself this year (really ran out of time last year!). You can see what I bought last year here.

So Master owlet will be 5 in October (so birthday and Christmas to consider). He is completely into Lego and Star Wars (heavily influenced by his friends considering he has never actually watched it). He heads off to ‘big’ school next year, I’ll probably be buying a few practical things for him.

Little Miss owlet will be 3 in February (again Christmas and a birthday to buy for). She loves Dora, her babies and everything pink! I’m hoping to buy an old dolls house to ‘renovate’ for her birthday. I missed out on one on eBay by just this much on the weekend (arghhh).

I’ve already bought a couple of things which I’ll put away.

Luggage bag tags from Skip Chasey

Tutu from Verri Charmed

Ruffle Tilly skirt from LA Crafts

Of course then there is nephews, parents and other random people as well. Hard? Yes but not impossible.

I do have the blankets I’m currently crocheting but that will be no surprise as the kids are eagerly watching me do the granny squares each day (I’ll update with photos soon). We are planning the big bed move for Miss 2 around Christmas and I have plans for a quilt for her – not very exciting though, right?

So any suggestions for gift will be greatly appreciated and follow my journey on the handmade Christmas adventure!


Jane x

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