Hoo are you
I’m playing along and answering a few questions from Night Owl Crafting. If you want to join in – head to her blog or click on the button to the side.
1. Have you ever attended a professional sports game?
Heaps! And international readers will laugh at the Australia ‘feel’ to this answer. I’ve been to lots of cricket games, my favourite being the Boxing Day test between Australia and England in 2005 with my husband. I’ve seen Canada play against Wales in the Rugby World Cup when it was in Australia in 2003. Oh and my very first AFL (or Aussie Rules or Australian Football League) was with a Welsh man who taught me all the rules to this bizarre game based on the Rugby Union Games! I was also very lucky to attend the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Saw hockey, swimming, table tennis (which was awesome!) and a few other things.
2. Have you ever been to a concert and if so which one was your ultimate favorite performance?
Lots! I think my first was Fleetwood Mac when I was 10! I’ve seen Phil Collins (amazing!) with my parents. I so didn’t want to go but he was really incredible. I’ve seen Dixie Chicks in Sydney and lots of others. Probably my favourite was Kylie (Minogue) a few years ago. She is an amazing performer. Most of these are prior to having my two owlets!
3. Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World?
Yes I’ve been to Disneyland – twice! Once when I was 10 and again when I was 17 (and my sister was 10). I love it. I don’t think you are ever too old to see Disneyland.
4. What is your favorite theme park?
I’m not really a theme park kinda girl and we certainly don’t have them like they do in America. I love going to the Melbourne Zoo, does that count? Movieworld or Seaworld on the Gold Coast in Queensland are pretty good. Haven’t been for years.
5. Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
My young family love going camping and we recently went again to Barwon Heads. It isn’t far from Melbourne and has great facilities for kids. As soon as the weather warms up again, we’ll be back for another visit.
Hope you enjoyed learning a little more about me!