Blogging for blogtoberfest

Blogging for blogtoberfest

Gosh I hope that I can actually commit to this!

I’m joining a blogtoberfest and committing to blogging every day in October. And this poor old neglected blog could surely do with a boost from me!

So each day I’m going to try to post about something completely different.

At the park enjoying the sunshine (although cold!)

This last week has been an interesting one for me. My husband recently started a new job and will have to travel a little. Not too much (I hope!) but he has just spent a week in Brisbane to learn all he can from the operation there. This is the longest we have ever been apart since having kids and with that means the first time I’ve taken care of my two treasures (ahem) on my own.

I’ll quietly say that I was freaking out before he left but actually the week hasn’t been too bad. Lots and lots of planning (thankfully I’m a control freak) and we made it through. Thanks to slow cookers, getting clothes ready and packing daycare bags the night before, and laying out pajamas in the morning ready to put on that night and yep we made it through. Just.

All went smoothly, except for the nights before I went to sleep. It was lonely. Just me. No one to discuss my day. No one to laugh about something funny on tv. Sure we talked on the phone and had messages but it just wasn’t the same as having him here.

Digging for bones at Scienceworks Museum, Melbourne

So I survived. I know so many other mums out there do this all the time but this is new for me. Huge adjustment for me and our little family.

Really looking forward to some quality family time over the next week or so!!


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