How to engage with your customers during and after your craft market or show

How to engage with your customers during and after your craft market or show

This might be the last of my market series – unless there is more you would like to know! In this series you will find:

In this final post, I thought I would talk about how to engage with your customers at a market and after.

Displaying this amazing award is a fantastic talking point. With thanks to Helen’s Kitchen Favourites.


Engage with your customers while they are looking at your products. Be forthcoming and explain how you make your products, your process in creating it or if it is something you uniquely designed. Most people want to hear about what you do (that’s why they are at a craft market, to look at or purchase something unique they can’t get in a department store!).


Stand and talk to your customers. I usually have my table set up so I’m in front not behind it. If you are sitting behind your table reading a book or chatting on your phone, you might miss an opportunity to gain a customer. I do have a chair for having a quick break, no way could I stand all day!

Market your products

If you can wear one of your own products, it will become a great talking point. Since I make children’s clothes and toys, I can’t really do this but I have bought lots from the markets I go to so always try to wear my gorgeous jewellery and recommend other stallholders.

You can just see my little PayPal sign here – needs to be bigger right?

Offer credit card, PayPal or Eftpos

I’m fortunate to have (one of the limited in Australia) PayPal here units. I have a little sign but really should get something bigger. Most people prefer to pay via credit card and I have often increased my sales from just one item to half a wardrobe! If you offer these options, make sure you have a sign to promote it.

Social media

Encourage people to follow you via social media – Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – and have them available on your business cards.

Mailing list

I have a mailing list on my table for people to leave their email addresses. I also have a sign up on my blog.

I’m going to be really honest here and say that I’m terrible at sending newsletter updates. I’m making a promise here and saying that I will be better (I’m writing one now). I don’t do them often (clearly) and I think once a month to let people know where you will be, what you have been designing or what you have been blogging about (if you have one) is enough. It is a great way to connect with people who aren’t on social media – shock horror, yes there is some out there!

My mailing list sign up on the table in the green folder – easy to do!

Promote yourself via the market organisers

As you know I’m part of a committee of volunteers who run a market. Being in charge of marketing and public relations, I write the blog, organise the newsletters, run the Facebook page and so on. We offer so many opportunities for people to promote themselves but often struggle for content. If you get the chance – go for it. The few minutes it takes to write a profile or send a photo, might mean someone stopping by your table when you are at the market.


I’ve said it before – smile!! I have the same rule in retail stores, if people are grumpy and uninterested then I’m not going to give them my money. If you aren’t in a happy mood, stick it up and put a fake smile on your face!

If there is anything else you need help with – please leave a comment. I’m happy to help.

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