Lalaloopsy 5th birthday party

Lalaloopsy 5th Birthday Party

So Miss 4 turned 5 …. in February. I know I’m totally on top of my blogging aren’t I? I also didn’t have a chance to get out my camera all day – so all iPhone photos. Sorry!

Yummy cupcakes!
Very excited birthday girl!

This is one party that was a lot of fun to put together. If you don’t know the story of Lalaloopsy (which are sending me broke), essentially they were once rag dolls that magically came to life when their very last stitch was sewn. Seriously, could it be more exciting for a sewist to create a party about rag dolls!!

Table set up ready for the party

We try to stick to the rule in our family that the number of the birthday you are having is the number of friends you can invite. Seems to be working for us at the moment. So Miss 5 had five little friends come over on the afternoon of her actual birthday. It was very manageable with the activities we planned.

Button biscuits with holes poked out with the end of a chop stick

I try to organise just three or four different games or activities. We set up the lounge room floor with all her little Lalaloopsy dolls, the new Lalaloopsy Sew Sweet House Playhouse and a little remote car. Towards the end of the party we played a really fun hide and seek game that Miss 5 received for Christmas. One person (big brother on this day!) hides a little doll somewhere in the house. There is a bunch of cardboard circles which you turn over that prompt questions like, ‘Is Lalaloopsy in a room with a bed?’. It includes pictures and words. Then there are about 6 circles that have “Find” on them and over the egg timer goes as the person rushes off to find the doll based on the clues. A really great game for this age group.

Lalaloopsy hangers from the ceiling

In the kitchen (as you can see in the photos), the girls really had the most fun. I printed a bunch of Lalaloopsy doll outlines (see source list below). I raided my fabric and craft stash and had the table filled with fabric, ribbon, wool, sequins, stickers, and more. The girls had a BLAST designing their own Lalaloopsy doll and had to come up with the names too. I should have printed more as some of the girls did two or three versions. Highly recommended for a party game or even a rainy afternoon of fun.

The creative zone making their designs

I didn’t take a photo, but I made each girl a little button hair clip and a ribbon flower hair tie with a Lalaloopsy doll face in the center. I prefer these to a bag full of lollies, but they did have the chance to take from what was left on the table. (There is a little sneaky photo on Instagram if you want to follow me to find it though).

You can see all my pins on my Inspirations for Miss 5’s birthday party board here on Pinterest.

Sources for everything I put together for the party are here:
– Invitations and party kit via Etsy (shop isn’t available at the moment)
– Tissue paper decorations – via a local bargain shop
– Lalaloopsy hanging decorations – via eBay
– Scallop punch for the cupcake toppers – via eBay (and already used quite a bit since)
– Buttons from my stash to make the letter A canvas which now hangs in her bedroom
– Green backdrop, green striped baking cups, serviettes and plates – from Master 7’s birthday party last year!
– Chocolate button mould – via eBay
– Doll base via
– Lalaloopsy ribbon and faces – via eBay

Some of the girls Lalaloopsy creations

A very fun day with six excited little girls and two exhausted parents.

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