Pattern review: Debbie’s birthday dress by sewpony Vintage

Pattern review: Debbie’s birthday dress by sewpony Vintage

One pattern I’ve been meaning to review for ages is the Debbie’s birthday dress by Suz from the blog sewpony. I’ve made a couple of versions of this now and have been meaning to get photos but rather than delaying it even more, I’ll share just this one with you. I can always blog about the other versions later, right?

Debbie’s birthday dress by sewpony Vintage

This dress is the original vintage length

Debbie’s birthday dress is a vintage style pattern. The design is a classic A-line style. There are two variations available in the pattern – one with a separate bodice (which I made) and the other one has a seam down the centre of the dress with a peter pan collar, accent buttons and a pocket. I haven’t had the chance to try the collar yet but I would love to try it with cord fabric as the main dress and some pretty feature fabric for the collar, pocket and lining.

The pattern has been updated since its original release and I think it was worthwhile. In the original pattern, I found it was quite short. Yes that is the vintage look but my little Miss prefers her dresses longer. In the two dresses I have made since, I just added some length to the dress. Suz has updated the pattern to narrow the width on the shoulders, narrow overall width and lengthen slightly. I will just have to make another now, won’t I?

Miss 5 loves the pink lace detail at the front

I added some little flutter sleeves to the version I made here. No reason, just I wanted to add a little extra detail. I would love to try the tunic adjustment which might justify making another (surely Miss 5 doesn’t need ANOTHER dress!).

Suz has spent a lot of time perfecting this pattern and it shows. I really love learning new things since everyone has different ways to achieving the same outcome. Honestly one little aspect of her hem is pure genius. Genius!! (I’m trying not to give it away so you buy the pattern to find out!).

Will I make this again? – absolutely. I have one that needs a button and another nearly complete!

Will I make this to sell for Lil Pip? – not at this stage

Sweet little button closure detail at the back

Pattern: sewpony Vintage Etsy store and check out the Flickr group for inspiration

Fabric: Tilda Garden Memories Teal Fabric (in short supply now and very expensive. Wish I had lots more as was very popular) and basic cotton from Spotlight.

Difficulty (1-10 scale with 1 being easy and 10 hard): 6 just because of the little details with lining, bodice etc. and I haven’t even attempted the collar. Yikes scary!

Time: I would allow 2 hours to sew this dress.

Lil Pip has received no payment or sponsorship for this review – I do it because I want to share my experiences

Posted by Jane from Lil Pip at 10:02 AM

Pattern review

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