June Lil Pip Challenge round up and July Challenge
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Eeekk half way through July already and I haven’t done the round up – so sorry!
If you want to know more about the ‘challenges’, here are the links:
- May Challenge announcement
- May Lil Pip Challenge round up and June Challenge
- June Challenge – my creation of the Commuter Cowl
So here are few of my favourites from June. I adore what my next door neighbour, Em created with this cute deer flannel fabric (a Spotlight special for $4!). Check it out.

Marci from Stone Cottage Adventures created two cowls and here is my favourite – made from a couple of bandanas. What a great idea. Check both of hers here.

Finally, Amy from Ladybugs and Daisychains made a cute pink one. I really wish I could wear pink so I love this one. What a pop of colour for winter! Take a look.

July Challenge
The July Challenge is a slightly harder one (well compared to the 30 minute sew of the cowl scarf!).
It is the Strap Clutch by Michelle Patterns and I’m going to make mine to match my cowl with the cotton fabrics and thinking a dark green cord for a little weight. I have three different greens to choose from so will share a photo on Instagram tonight for votes on what works best!
Join us
If you join us, use the hashtag #lilpipchallenge in social media so we can follow you, join the Flickr group, use the blog button above and please link your blog post in the Linky Party below.
If you want to get prepared for future months (with fabric or pattern purchases) we will be making:
- August – thinking we might make a skirt or dress but let you source your own pattern since everyone is different?
- September – Crayon Art Folio by Gingercake or your own version depending on your needs. Could be a notebook style cover or recipe book cover as a Christmas present. Or a car caddy. For my Lalaloopsy crazy girl, I was thinking something for her to carry them out and about in.
If you have any ideas for future challenges, let me know with a comment. The idea is to be doing something different so it doesn’t have to just be sewing related.
Grab the button for your blog too – link in side bar >>>
Linky Party
I thought it was better to open up the linky party to be continuous rather than a different one each month. So add your links here and make sure you check out the other blogs!