Farmyard quilt – gift for a new little boy
I have these jet setting uni friends that lived in London for over 10 years, traveled the world and had an amazing life that I envied from down under. Then last year they had one of those mid-life crises (and there is a very good reason) and moved back to Australia and bought a farm in Tasmania. We visited them earlier this year and it is simply beautiful.
Add to that two things I thought would never happen – they got pregnant and then married. Shock times two.
I wanted to make them something special so raided my stash. I bought this fabric to make something for my nephew many years ago but then my sister put my two nephews into one room and went for more of a colored theme so this didn’t suit.
I’m not a quilter. By no means. But I do enjoy it. If I had a preference, I wouldn’t work with a panel again. This one in the middle was framed by a black and white checkerboard pattern which I hated so spent ages working out how to sew around and get rid of it.
They didn’t know if they were having a pink or blue bundle and I made this before he arrived. I knew they wouldn’t want anything overly girly so I thought playing off the farm theme would suit them and give them a bit of a laugh.
I probably should give you some details but that would assume that I got them before sending it off – whoops!
So – size is cot size ish
The squares are all 6 inches
Quilted with regular old Gutterman thread (must get me some of that fancy stuff!) and kept it simple with some diagonal stripes
All the farmyard fabrics are from Timeless Treasures but about 4 or 5 years ago so can’t find it anywhere now
Backed in the same tan and white stripe that is around the panel
And binded with that random leafy looking fabric!!
Next project/s is to finish the three half made ones for my own children at home!
Posted by Jane from Lil Pip
at 10:00 AM