Quilted star cushion
I kinda feel like I’m constantly making cushion covers at the moment. I feel like I could quite easily be dragged into this quilting caper. I do love doing a little cushion though, as I get to master a block or techniques on a small scale rather than the daunting and frankly overwhelming task of completing an entire quilt.
After Christmas when we traveled back from Queensland, we stopped a couple of days in Sydney and stayed with my aunt.
I’m of the old school manners that you thank someone when you stay. I thought about buying her chocolates or flowers or something but decided to go with a more personal approach.
She is an incredibly talented seamstress and has been very helpful with advice to me when she has stayed with us. It was a risk to make a little cushion but actually she doesn’t quilt so was in awe. And honestly, someone who sews will always appreciate something handmade more. They just know the work involved, right?
I’m afraid I chose this little charm square pack to match with her bedroom. I’m not even sure what it is or where I got it as it really isn’t my usual taste. I suspect I may have acquired it from someone along the way (perhaps won it!).
I’m not even sure what this block is called but when I searched online, it seems to be called a quilted star. I’m sure by looking at the photos you could work out what to do. I used 5″ charm squares and loved that the finished block makes up the entire cushion (no sashing or matching here!). I just did very simple straight line quilting around the inside of the star and a simple envelope back.
Posted by Jane from Lil Pip
at 10:00 AM