New baby gift set

New baby gift set

My next door neighbour had her second baby last week. We are pretty close and when I got the call, was happy to head over for a sleep over to take care of bubs big sister (she is 2!). It was a pretty exciting week with lots of playdates with my two older owlets, remembering how all-consuming toddlers can be and a few sneaky little newborn cuddles – and by that I mean when he was just one day old!!! (Cue the ‘nawwhhhhhs’). 

I knew I wanted to make something as she would appreciate a handmade gift. After a little online searching and checking through my stash (determined to use what I had), this is what I came up with.

Snuggle blanket

Backed with beautiful soft minky, this little blanket is designed to wrap baby now but perhaps just snuggle with as he grows. It isn’t huge and I just used what I had in terms of fabric. (I forgot to take measurements but probably around 30 inches square – or 75 cms). This gorgeous elephant splash fabric from Spotlight has been in my stash for a year or so. Happy to put it to good use!

Fabric basket

There was only a very narrow strip of fabric left after making the blanket and I wanted to use it all. I decided to make a little fabric basket and this time teamed it with a Kona Solid called ‘Pear’. 

If anyone knows where my extensive selection of interfacing has disappeared to – I would love to know. I found a little batting and quilted it to the outside. Raided one of my Sew Box’s for some thin interfacing for the lining (really need to find the medium and thicker weight interfacing I know I have!).

If you are interested in the template before I made it – the dimensions are around 13 inches high x 11 inches wide. I cut 3-inch squares from each corner (probably could have been 2.5).

It is perfect now to fit a nappy or two, wipes and nappy bags but a good size to stash some toys as he grows. 

Elephant taggy toy

I cut out these elephant shapes months and months ago from a Flosstyle Babies First Toy pattern – see my review here. But in a HUGE fail moment, I cut four the exact same way (rather than flipping so I would have matching sides). 

In a lightning bolt moment, I thought I would make these little taggy toys. There seem to be lots of babies around me at the moment so I whipped up four at the same time. 

Miss 6 got involved and chose all the ribbons and backing minky. 

This little orange guy went with our gift next door.

How awesome is this orange?!?

And the four together – with teal, pale blue and green backs. 

I didn’t bother wrapping the gift – popped it all in the basket, ribbon around and delivered next door. 

It was wonderful putting this gift set together. Do you have a go-to newborn gift to make? I have another to share with you soon!

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