Tutorial: Twisted Infinity Ribbon Flower hair tie or hair clip

Wow that’s a mouthful of a headline!

I had intended on popping this completed ribbon in my stash for future gifts but a certain little Miss 6 had other ideas. I’m sure she thinks the centre is real diamonds!!

This is a very simple yet effective bow which can be used on a hair tie or a clip. No sewing required but be careful with that hot glue gun!


  1. For a small bow, cut three 6 inch strips of 9mm grosgrain ribbon (other types work well too like satin ribbons).
  2. For a layered larger bow, cut three 6 inch strips and three 8 inch strips of 9mm.
  3. Fold in half and make a crease or mark a line with a pencil.
  4. For this ‘infinity’ bow you need to twist the ribbon to meet in the middle. Not flat like the tuxedo bow but twisted into an infinity symbol shape. See photo below.
  5. Place a dab of hot glue in the middle and twist your ribbon to meet in the middle. Hold for a moment to secure – be careful not to burn yourself.
  6. Do this for all three or six strips.
  7. Now the fun part – work out how you want them layered. Do a dry run first before adding the glue.
  8. If you make a hair tie, you can place one beneath the elastic as per my example below or with the big Ladybug one I made, I glued it after and covered with a one inch piece of 22mm black grosgrain ribbon. You could use a circle of felt too.
  9. Place the first one so the join is facing up. You will cover it as you go. With a dab of glue, place the next one on top. Finish with a button, flatback cabochon or sparkly rhinestones like I have here.
  10. You can also add them to a snap clip or covered alligator clip.
Twisted infinity symbol
Place ribbon under thin hair tie
Layer your ribbons with a dab of glue


Special thanks to Sarah Lauren (aka Janine) for the supplies to play with. Be sure to head over and take a look at her amazing range.

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