Easy Weathervane Block Tutorial by Bee in My Bonnet Another week, another block. This time the Easy Weathervane Block by Bee in My Bonnet. While I agree in theory this is easy, I really struggle with the small blocks, much prefer the larger finished size of 10-12″ square. This one finishes at just 6.5″ x […]
Author Archives: Lil Pip Designs
Solstice Star Series, Ribbon Star by Fresh Lemon Quilts Another week, another block – this one is from the Solstice Star Series by Fresh Lemon Quilts. This one is called the Ribbon Star. It was a fun one to make. Really need to make some things with all these little (and big blocks). I need […]
Ninja quilt for a new baby boy A friend asked me to make this quilt as a gift for a soon to be born, baby boy. They are obviously into martial arts and would love a quilt made from ninjas with strong colours of black, red, cream and grey. The range is Year of the […]
Open Wide Zipper Pouch – glam style! When my swap partner – Leanne from Sewn by Leanne – told me her fabric colour was orange, I might have panicked. I really don’t have ANYTHING in my stash that is orange. Other than this single solid piece of cotton (which is quite thin, possibly a poplin?). […]
Hexie Zipper Pouch I’m very guilty of sewing just a few extra things when I do swaps. Just can’t help myself. I’ve been looking at making a hexie (english paper piecing) cushion for my daughter. I have well over 100 probably close to 150 little 1 inch hexies made now. I remember Ros from Sew […]
When Quiet Play meets Hour Basket and matchstick quilting … You may have seen this shared on my [Instagram](http://www.instagram.com/lilpipdesigns). I hope that everyone will indulge me when I gush over this one! Have you created something that you are just so incredibly proud of? That you look at and think ‘I actually made that!!’. Well […]
Tic Tac Toe block by Blossom Heart Quilts I’m still plodding along with lots of different types of block for the Quilt Block Boot Camp. Learning so much each and every time – ironing seams open versus to the dark side and the scant 1/4″ seam versus a 1/4″. I’ve learnt that quilting is WAY […]
Denim owl bag for me! I know I probably have other bags I could use but when I decided I need a simple tote bag to carry my lunch to work in (doesn’t fit in my handbag), I decided I had to make one. My design requirements: quick – I think this took an hour?!? […]
What would you like to know about marketing, markets or business? Previously, I have written some tips and tricks for markets that were really popular. Five tips for applying for a craft show or market How to prepare for a market Ten things to include in your craft show or market survival kit Tips for […]
The Selfish Swap When I saw the Selfish Swap from my friend Abby from Things for Boys, I just had to laugh. Then sign up! Abby is a crack up and this is totally her humour. So make something… anything… for yourself! My partner (wink wink) made this amazing (if I do say so) selvage/selvedge* […]