Blogs I love – Be a fun mum I’ll admit I’m a huge blog reader. My Google Reader is seriously out of control!! But I love them. I have a few that I read religiously and thought I would profile them over the coming weeks. Although the first blog is a brand new find! Be […]
Author Archives: Lil Pip Designs
So I seemed to get over my guilt pretty quickly last week! I surprised my husband with a night away. I told him to take the Friday off work (so he knew something was happening), to pack an overnight bag with clothes and then I would send him details and instructions when he got into the city. […]
Calling all pattern designers or purchasers! I’m thinking of designing some patterns. It is something I’ve been thinking of doing for a long time, just keep putting it off. I have so many ideas in my head that I know I’ll never have time to make them all myself. I would love to put them […]
Lost in my new iPad I don’t think when Mr Pip bought me an iPad for Mother’s Day (well care of the kids that is!) that he would have anticipated losing me to books! I actually spent two days sick after Mother’s Day. Not tired, just aches, sore throat and a bit of a cough. […]
Stopping to admire life A few weeks ago, I rushed home on the train from work and stopped to pick up a couple of groceries in our little Village (that’s what we called it but I do live in the inner city of Melbourne!) before rushing over to pick Master 5 (oh and 3/4 because […]
My contribution to the 1 million kilo challenge Remember how I join up for the 1 million kilo challenge? Well I realised today that I haven’t updated you! Since the beginning of the year, I have lost 5kg and dropped a dress size. I’ve now started another 8 week challenge with Weigh it up (who […]
May challenge I was somewhat overwhelmed on my Facebook page this week. I put out a challenge to my ‘likers’ to complete one single unfinished project in May. It was very interesting to see the responses. My favourites: I’m going to finish the pram liner and pram sleeping bag I’m making for Miss Apple. Karen […]
Yarn bombed … again! I must work and live around creative folk! Remember my joy to see the fabulous crochet creations in City Square on my way to work? Well on this very cold, wet and miserable morning waiting for the gates to open to let me walk across to catch my train, I was […]
Is it just me …. That makes their poor, suffering 5 year old sons pose out the front of their house wearing a dress? Daddy was keeping watch to make sure no one would see. We were super quick and back inside to put the footy outfit back on. He just looks so uncomfortable, right? […]
Another market done and dusted Gee, it takes me a week or so to recover from them, but I love going to markets. This technically was my first sunny market! Every other one has either showered or poured. So yes, I actually got a little sunburnt rather than wet 😉 Tiny little 2m x 1m […]