There has been lots of discussion about Pinterest and copyright etc in the last few weeks. I’m ok with admitting, I’m a HUGE fan! I’m always discovering things on Pinterest and pinning to my hearts content from the World Wide Web. On a positive side, I have discovered blogs that I didn’t know about (seriously […]
Author Archives: Lil Pip Designs
To market, to market and home again … jig-ga-da-jig My stall at the Yarraville Festival The Yarraville Markets was Saturday 11 February and I think I’m still recovering! I met some lovely stall holders on the day and had a wonderful time. I only wish I could have had a quick look around at the […]
More sewing for the owlets I enjoyed creating just for my little ones so much last week that I spent another afternoon sewing for Miss nearly 3. Although I will admit that what I created were ‘testing’ items for my new autumn/winter range! I saw this on Pinterest last week. Source Miss nearly 3 loves […]
Yarn bombed As I walked from the train station to work this morning, I decided to stop for a take-away coffee and I’m so glad I did! I was greeted with yarn wrapped trees. How fantastic! I have seen small installations of these but never so many. It looked fantastic and they reached so high. […]
My (not so secret) pancake recipe Ok this week I said I was going to lose 10 kilos and today I’m posting a pancake recipe. That’s just asking for trouble! Anyway, this is a favourite of my kids so I thought I would share. Helping to mix! These have the stamp of approval from my […]
1 Million Kilo Challenge I just joined the 1 million kilo challenge! Well I’m hoping to contribute 10 kilos to the total. I’ve been on detox now for 17 days – no alcohol (hubby would say that isn’t hard for me as I hardly drink), no chocolate (much harder!), lollies, sweets, cakes, biscuits or dessert. […]
Sewing for the owlets Yesterday I realised that I just don’t sew enough for my own owlets. I ventured into the world of sewing with stretch/knit/interlock fabric yesterday and made this little dress/nightie for Miss nearly 3 and these pajama pants/lounge pants for Master 5 ‘I’m a big boy about to start school’. The joy […]
Pin it Friday Source Source Source Source Source Posted by Jane from Lil Pip at 10:00 AM Labels: Pin it Friday
Photo a day challenge: January 2012 There is no way I could be committed to do a photo a day for a whole year (as many of my friends do) but I thought I would give it a go for a month. Along with many of my friends I joined the Fat Mum Slim challenge. […]
My sewing books As I was looking online yesterday for another sewing book, this time a quilting or patchwork how to (any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I haven’t decided yet!), I was thinking about all the books I have at home. Some I love to just look at, some I go to for […]