Pattern review, giveaway and discount: Funky Mister Shorts by Puppy Dog Tails

I kinda love it when my friends make patterns – I love to support them and buy it straight away but most of all, I usually love their style and want to shout from the rooftops how awesome it is. No exceptions here. Funky Mister Shorts by Puppy Dog Tails Holly from Puppy Dogs Tails (and Or Elsie for […]

Five tips for applying for a craft market or craft show

So you have been making some handmade items, maybe selling them online? Perhaps thinking of applying for a local market or craft show? Over the next couple of weeks, I will be writing all my tips and tricks and your guide to surviving craft, handmade or flea markets! I’m a veteran of markets – as […]

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 7: Actually Amy and Blossom Heart Quilts

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 7: Actually Amy and Blossom Heart Quilts I feel like we are finishing up our Spring has Sprung blog tour with a bang! Our two contributors today are both quilters (amongst everything else as well!) and contributors to And Sew We Craft. I kinda admire quilters. I ‘dabble’ but […]