5 tips for sewing with knit and my beginner pattern recommendations

5 tips for sewing with knit and my beginner pattern recommendations I’m part of an amazing sewing group on Facebook. I recently asked what crafty/sewing skill we would all like to conquer. Given the diverse skills in the group, we all said different things. For me, it was mastering free motion quilting which I’m doing […]

New ‘clubs’ I’ve joined recently

If you have been reading along on my blog you will notice I’m getting right into this quilting caper. By no means an expert – pfftt – but having a load of fun. I couple of things I’ve recently signed up for that you might be interested in are the Aussie Aurifil Club and the Aussie Kona Club. […]

Quiet Play Flamingo Paper Piecing

Quiet Play Flamingo Paper Piecing For some insane reason I thought I would try my hand at paper piecing. Actually though, paper piecing is really fun. It’s kinda a paint by numbers sewing. BUT I possibly choose the hardest pattern to start with. Kristy from [Quiet Play](http://quietplay.blogspot.com.au/) is releasing a block each month that will […]