Kids Clothing Week – Day 6 I’m thrilled with the outcome of this dress. Sometimes just the simplest of things work beautifully. I’ve had this cord in my stash for a couple of years. I bought it but thought it was too old for my little miss until now. I think the addition of the […]
Kids Clothing Week – Day 5 Yep another pair of Ananda pants – this time I made it in fleece with a little spotty knit roll top. This boat neck tee I blogged here. And the Ananda pants I review here and already made some this week. And yes we may have been going a […]
Kids Clothing Week – Day 4 Oh my beautiful boy. I don’t know about others, but this little one loves it when I make things for him. He loves being involved in selecting the fabric, working together and more so modelling for me. I think he is often jealous by how much I make for […]
Kids Clothing Week – Day 3 The theme of this year’s Kids Clothing Week is art. I knew that I just wasn’t motivated (or cool, or can’t be bothered or no time) to get the kids to create any art that would then be transformed into an item of clothing. I suppose I could just […]
Kids Clothing Week – Day 2 This twirly skirt by Lil Blue Boo was the very first knit/jersey pattern I ever made (Oh my goodness take a look at how little my baby looks in those photos – ahhhhh!). She has virtually worn those two skirts threadbare so it was time for a new one. […]
Kids Clothing Week – Day 1 Kids Clothing Week seems to always come around at a time that is just not possible for me to be involved. I usually try to make at least one thing but the whole concept of ‘sew for one hour a day for 7 days for your kids’ is just […]
Collaborate for a Cause 2014 – part 2 I’ve already shared the first collaboration Lil Pip joined and here is the second one. Lil Pip has joined with Ana, ma Petit Tresor, Kolo Ko, Letter It (Name Decorative Art), and love b to create a blue and pink Tilda collection in size 3 to raise […]
Pattern review: Ceci Shorts by Petite Kids Boutique Last year I made these shorts to sell, made up a few samples and took my professional ‘modelled’ shots. Then never finished all the sizes I have cut out (in fact they are still sitting in my to-do box)!! So I hope that with just a few […]
June Lil Pip Challenge round up and July Challenge < div class=”post-body entry-content” id=”post-body-3524723258124781793″> Eeekk half way through July already and I haven’t done the round up – so sorry! If you want to know more about the ‘challenges’, here are the links: May Challenge announcement May Lil Pip Challenge round up and June Challenge […]
Collaborate for a Cause 2014 – part 1 Each year, I love to participate in the annual ‘Collaborate for a Cause’ charity auction. You can see my previous contributions here and here. Handmade businesses across Australia join together to create a ‘collaboration’. This is then auctioned on Facebook to support a charity of their choosing. […]