My New Year blog-olutions I’ve been thinking … dangerous I know. I’ve noticed a trend with some of my favourite bloggers. Writing less and less and just snapping more and more. What? It’s the Instagram sharing I’m talking about. My current Instagram feed – with Jingle our elf and a few handmade Christmas things I […]
Category Archives: handmade christmas
Last minute Christmas gift idea – with buttons! This is something I’ve “been meaning to do” for ages. I’ve had the little 8×10 inch canvas’ for a long time. When a friend sold (for free!) the buttons on a buy, swap, sell Facebook page, I snapped them up. She quizzed me with what on earth […]
iPad cover for road trip We will be going on a little road trip this year and I wanted an iPad cover that would be good for the kids to use. Thankfully this one came as part of my Sew Box Subscriptions package in December from Little Moo Designs. I did some scrappy quilting on […]
I’ve yet again put a little pressure on myself by making my two plus my two nephew’s outfits to wear on Christmas day. With my oldest being 8, I figure this might be the last year of being matchy matchy. And if I think about it, I would have hated matching my sister for Christmas […]
Quick and easy teacher thank you gift ideas After my post last week, I thought I would make a few suggestions on things you could make or do – quickly and easily!! You could also check out my Pinterest boards – Inspiration for gifts or Inspiration for Christmas Ros from Sew Delicious shared this tutorial […]
Mum don’t read this! Got to be the funniest blog post title I’ve ever used! You know though, I bet she will read it. It is like a red rag to a bull or whatever that saying is. Especially when the preview picture comes up, she will wonder what it is all about. Anyway, I […]
When did extravagant teacher gifts become a ‘thing’? Don’t get me wrong, teachers deserve it. Actually even more so, teachers of my children. I just don’t remember giving anything more than maybe a Christmas card to my teachers growing up. Plain zipper pouches and an Open Wide Zipper pouch at the front left Maybe it […]
Half Moon handbag for me! My December Sew Box Subscription box arrived on Saturday morning and I was very inspired. There were four different linen fabrics and these beautiful wooden buttons. I didn’t use the bag pattern included this time but it is next on my list to sew up. I’ve seen a few made […]
Superhero Cape Firstly – did you miss me? I think it is funny that I blogged every single day in October (part of Blogtoberfest) and then crashed and burned, blogging just once since! Whoops. I will say that I have been flat out preparing for my major markets. My then 3yo son wearing the first […]
More handmade purchases I’m not sure these will last until Christmas. Certainly not the “DJs” (day jammies). My 4yo owlet needs them right now. He seems to be growing in front of my eyes are the moment! Space DJs from LA Craft How could I resist this hootilicious outfit? Owl pinny from LA Craft Jane […]
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