Bowling set – catching up, finally! Remember my Sewing Challenge last year. As a way to teach my next door neighbour sewing, I set monthly challenges. Only I didn’t quite finish each month myself!! Here is the first monthly challenge post And a couple of examples from my amazing readers This bowling set was all […]
Category Archives: Lil Pip Challenge
August Lil Pip Challenge – hosted by Ladybugs and Daisychains So August is a little crazy for me – mainly with my ‘real job’. Including two weekends working, and a trip to Sydney first week of September. Oh and my (cough cough) 20 year high school reunion at the end of the month. So I […]
June Lil Pip Challenge round up and July Challenge < div class=”post-body entry-content” id=”post-body-3524723258124781793″> Eeekk half way through July already and I haven’t done the round up – so sorry! If you want to know more about the ‘challenges’, here are the links: May Challenge announcement May Lil Pip Challenge round up and June Challenge […]
Lil Pip Challenge – Commuter Cowl by Luvinthemommyhood I was a little more organised for this months challenge and actually made it in May. I thought it would be good to ‘inspire’ you with what I made. (Pffft that just makes me sound full of myself lol!). May challenge here May round up and June […]
May Lil Pip Challenge Round Up and June Challenge In early May I announced a sewing /crafty challenge. It has been so much fun seeing what everyone has created. I had hoped that I would be able to show you my finished product but alas I still have to sew a few seams and take […]
Challenge fabric I have chosen this lovely ‘Outfoxed’ fabric by Lizzy House in the Outplayed colour way to make my bowling set. I mainly buy large yardage for my business but love collecting fat quarter bundles of designs I love. I have no idea what I was going to use this for but thought the […]
Join me in a sewing / crafty challenge The Lil Pip business side of things is now made up of two people – myself and my partner Bridie who blogs over at One Crafty Morning. We have been very fortunate to have my gorgeous next door neighbour, Emily helping to design our new look. As […]