Category Archives: Spring has Sprung

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 7: Actually Amy and Blossom Heart Quilts

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 7: Actually Amy and Blossom Heart Quilts I feel like we are finishing up our Spring has Sprung blog tour with a bang! Our two contributors today are both quilters (amongst everything else as well!) and contributors to And Sew We Craft. I kinda admire quilters. I ‘dabble’ but […]

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 4: The Janelle Wind Collection and Domesblissity

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 4: The Janelle Wind Collection and Domesblissity Do you have any blog or designer crushes or is it just me? I have admired Janelle from The Janelle Wind Collection for a long time, like a really long time (ok that makes me and her sound old but she pre-dates […]

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 2: Cass Can Sew and Sew.Cook.Laugh.Live

Spring has Sprung blog tour Day 2: Cass Can Sew and Sew.Cook.Laugh.Live Day 2 in our little blog tour for Spring takes you to not one but two AMAZING Queensland bloggers and scroll down for an incredible prize with thanks to The Oz Material Girls. Cass from Cass Can Sew has been a fantastic support […]