Day 29 – a beautiful dress on a beautiful girl
I’m very, very lucky to have a wonderful friend who is a photographer. We had a fantastic morning one cold July morning taking some photos of my two owlets for her folio (see them here).
So when I just had 6 weeks to go to get everything organised for my market and thought I should have something to give to people who come. I have business cards (check) but something else, something with a discount code 😉
Thankfully Mel came to my rescue when I asked if she had some nice photos of Sophia wearing the dress I made her last summer. Well she instantly went out and took these stunning photos of her princess wearing a gorgeous Lil Pip creation. Isn’t she just the cutest – Sophia that is! Although Mel is equally as cute 😉

So when you come to see me at the Maribyrnong Makers Market on Saturday 26 November (cause I know you are right?), you will see these photos on my cards. I’m so lucky and so excited!
Thank you Mel x