My sewing books
As I was looking online yesterday for another sewing book, this time a quilting or patchwork how to (any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I haven’t decided yet!), I was thinking about all the books I have at home. Some I love to just look at, some I go to for ‘how to’ guides, some give me inspiration to try something for myself and others fall into the ‘I’ll get around to that’ or ‘been meaning to do one of those’ categories.
So here is my modest collection. Do you have any of these? Any missing that you would recommend (happily I would get more!).
I have a bit of an aim this year (no not a new years resolution!) to try something new each month. A new pattern, something from a book, something for me – you get the idea. Hopefully I will find a few projects from these.

Posted by Jane from Lil Pip at 9:07 AM