I have a secret ….

I have a secret ….

There is an old saying – if you want something done, get a busy person to do it. Well it certainly rings true for me.

Pretty girls in their peasant dresses and ruffle playsuit
Pretty girls in their peasant dresses and ruffle playsuit

Not content with my already busy regime of being a working mum with two small children, giving my time to my local community, blogging about everything from my family life to creations for my owlets and sewing my extensive range of children’s clothes and toys for my small business, I decided to expand my business further.

New gorgeous shirred dresses
New gorgeous shirred dresses

At the beginning of January this year, Bridie formerly of Little Magnolia Button has joined the fold of Lil Pip Designs. We live only about 10 minutes apart which makes sewing days and work ‘meetings’ very easy but most of all, she is an incredible person and I’m very excited to be working with her.

Bridie has two gorgeous children – a two year old girl and a newborn baby boy. She has been creating some new, gorgeous creations specifically for babies through to toddlers which has allowed me to explore my long desires to cater to older girls and most of all … boys!

Girls clothes are very well represented in the handmade world, but I have always thought about what I could make that would be perfect for the little men in our lives. My seven year old son is quite discerning in the fashion sense and has been giving me lots of feedback – not always good!

Boys shorts photo
I will share more photos later but this shows how easy these boys shorts are to wear

Of course, working in marketing in my day job has meant I had to get all my ducks in a row (there’s another saying!) before I could announce our new adventure. Bridie and I have been madly working on a new range which we share with you now and will launch at the Huckleberry Market Extravaganza on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 March and the following week at the Maribyrnong Makers Market, Saturday 22 March.

While I am expanding my business, I am hoping that this will actually mean less pressure on me during the busy market period which will allow me more time to do everything I love.

So I hope to see all my old customers and my new ones at one of these markets to see the new Lil Pip Designs in person!

Gorgeous Bridie and me
Gorgeous Bridie and me (after wrangling all the kids for photos, we were exhausted!)

We will be bringing you more sneak peeks in the coming weeks of our new range.

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